Microbit Sensors & Circuits
60 mins
375 points
What you need:
  • Chromebook/Laptop/PC
  • Microbit
  • E-Ink Display

E-Ink Clock and Temperature

Display the time, date, temperature and inspirational quotes on your E-Ink display.

1 - Create a new Microbit project

We're going to turn our e-ink display into a clock that shows the time, date, temperature and some inspirational quotes!

Create a new Microbit project.

2 - Add the inkybit extension

To access the blocks we need to program the e-ink display, you need to add the inkybit extension to your project.

3 - Add the microbit-pxt-timeanddate extension

To access the blocks we need to use the date and time, you need to add the microbit-pxt-timeanddate extension to your project. Just search for "time" when adding an extension and you will see it.

4 - Set the current date & Time

We need to set the current date and time so that our clock starts off correct.

Add the following code to your project (and set the correct date and time).

5 - Create a function called refreshTime

We will be updating the time that is displayed every minute so we will need a function that displays the current time. We can then call this function to run every 60 seconds so that the correct time is displayed.

Create a function called refreshTime and the following code to it.

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